Hello and welcome to my blog. I'm the CEO of FIVE STAR Speakers & Trainers.

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Keith Harrell will be missed

One of the great things about being in this industry is the opportunity to work with some absolutely incredible human beings. In my twenty years in this industry there have been many who have profoundly touched my life, inspired me to dream big dreams and to try new things. Keith Harrell was one of those people. I first worked with him in the early 1990's. He was a powerhouse of a speaker who was the same off stage as he was on stage. He had a powerful faith and was a passionate believer in people.

Keith died unexpectedly yesterday and he will leave an enormous legacy and an enormous hole in the industry. Anyone who had the chance to work with him came away the better for it. I will always remember the kindnesses Keith showed me in the midst of some challenging times in the not too distant past. I am hopeful that all those whose lives have been touched by Keith in the past twenty years will take a moment to remember the impact he had on them and, more importantly implement his advice into their lives.

Keith Harrell, may the Lord bless you and keep you. Thank you for your service to me and to mankind. You will be sorely missed. 

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